The following information is provided as a service to our clients. It is not intended to replace medical or legal advice. We want to help people who have auto accidents in Houston. This information is provided by Massage Therapy Houston
1) If you are in an automobile accident, get this information:
Time and date of accident: _________________ Location:________________________
Weather conditions: ____________________ Road conditions: __________________
Other car make, model, year, license tag:
Other driver name: _________________________ Drivers license # / state: ________________
Driver’s address: ___________________________ City: ____________ Zip:__________
Other driver’s phones (get all you can)
**If possible, call these numbers from your cell phone to verify them!**
Other insurance co. name: ______________________ policy number: ______________
Other insurance ___________________
If car owner is different, name address and phone:
Witness(es) address and phone: ____________________________________________
2) Take photos and video with your cell phone.
3) You might want to seek medical attention if you are injured. If you are injured, we have found it is very helpful to have medical records when dealing with some insurance companies and especially if you need to seek legal advice after your accident. We know several physicians in Houston and will by happy to provide a referral to our clients.
4) Next, be sure to file a police report within the required time limit. This could be very important as your case progresses. Please contact your local police department to verify the current requirements.
5) You may want to contact an attorney who can answer your legal questions. We can provide a local referral to our clients.
6) Also, be sure to keep a written diary of your conversations and contacts with the other side.
Call John Rodriguez & Associates at (713) 861-2411
We have helped a lot of clients with post accident muscle tightness. While we don't bill your insurance, we can document your therapy to help you get reimbursed.
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